Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Children

Children.  When we think of children, we think of adorable faces and mischievous grins.  We think of pure happiness and innocence.  Children melt our hearts with their toothless smiles. Children are the best parts of us and they hold within them unlimited potential.  Even when they are not on their best behavior, we see the hope of the world in children.
            According to, more than five children die each day due to child abuse and 80% of these children are under the age of four.[1]  The site states that, “Child abuse occurs at every socioeconomic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education.”  It is obvious that many do not see children as our sole hope for the future.  It is also obvious that the sickness of pedophiles, physical and verbal abusers, and parents who simply neglect these little ones have no fear of mortal or moral danger.

            My favorite philosopher, theologian, teacher, mentor (Jesus the Christ) said, “It would be better for you if a millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea than for you to cause one of these little ones to stumble” (Luke 17:2).  In modern words, Jesus is saying that you would be better off drowning yourself in the ocean than causing harm to a child.
            Those who harm children are the worst among humanity.   They possess a twisted debased nature.  These culprits are more detestable than serial killers.  They are murderers of souls.  They kill the innocent internally and force them to grow up filled with dark and painful thoughts that cause them a lifetime of turmoil and trepidation.  Abusers overpower the powerless and defile the pure.  Yet our laws let these monsters who: rape children, murder babies, curse infants, starve toddlers, pimp pre-teens, and watch and do nothing off easy. 
Laws do not enforce long jail sentences or implement the death penalty (this is the most fitting punishment in my opinion).  Social services seem to take away the wrong children and ignore the ones who really need help.  It is time to take the law into our own hands and fight for our children.  It is our duty to protect the little ones and to prevent them from stumbling.  It is our duty to make sure that every child is fed, treated well, educated, and protected from hurt, harm and danger.  We can do this by monitoring who are around our children; teaching our children the difference between proper and improper body contact; teaching our children to tell if ANYONE is hurting them in ANY WAY.  Silence is deadly.
We have to be real parents, real neighbors, real family, real guardians, real friends, and real members of the community. We have to be the advocates and activists for our children. 
            According to Dream Catchers for Abused Children:
Abuse and Neglect of American Children Has Increased 134% Since 1980
Physical Abuse Has Increased 84% Since 1980
Sexual Abuse Has Increased 350% Since 1980
Emotional Abuse Has Increased 333% Since 1980
Child Neglect Abuse Has Increased 320% Since 1980[2]
These numbers are staggering.  We have to do something to stop these crimes from continuing.  We have to hold ourselves responsible, our neighbors responsible, our legislators responsible for the irreversible damage being done to our children.  We all have the power to report abuse when we see it. We have the power to walk away before we hit too hard or say something damaging. We also have the power to give up children for adoption if we are not mentally fit to care for them. Abusers also have the power to turn themselves in and separate themselves from their victims.  Let us work together to stop child abuse in all its forms.  Our girls and boys deserve to have a happy childhood.  Change starts with us and we have the power to initiate change NOW!

[1] = United States Government Accountability Office, 2011. Child maltreatment: strengthening national data on child fatalities could aid in prevention (GAO-11-599). Retrieved from

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