Monday, September 10, 2012

15 Ways to Spot a Woman Who Isn’t Wife Material

There are so many articles, books, and blogs advising women concerning men but there are not nearly enough pieces of literature warning men about bad bad girls.  Contrary to popular beliefs, there are many men who want to settle down, get married, have children, and live happily ever after.  All men aren’t cheaters and liars who do nothing more than pant after panties.  There are many men looking for a good woman who they can one day marry. The purpose of this blog is to help nice guys find nice girls by detailing the kind of women to stay away from.  I’m going to reveal some unsavory qualities that some women possess.  So let’s begin 15 ways to spot a woman who isn’t wife material.

When a woman sits across from you at the dinner table on your first date and starts telling you a sob story about her phone getting cut off within minutes, please be sure that her main purpose of dating you is for you to be her pay master.  She only seeks to suck you dry of cash.  There will always be rent due, a bill that needs to be paid, and an emergency fund situation. This woman doesn’t have the decency to get to know you before asking you to save her financially.

If you have only known a woman for two days and not only have you already slept with her, she has sucked your toes, tossed your salad, tied you up, spanked you, gave you a “backstage pass,” and ingested all of your bodily juices, it is safe to say that she does this often and you will be better off seeking a test for STDs than a marriage license.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking nice things but if a woman’s focus is mainly buying things she doesn’t need, dressing to gain other’s approval, spending rent money on shoes, trying to peak at the label on your shirt when you bend over to tie your shoes, asking what kind of car you drive instead of your name, spending $400 on a plain white T-shirt just because she heard it was made by a certain designer,  it is pretty safe to say that this woman is shallow and measures herself worth by what she can purchase at a store.  When the money is gone, she will be too.

Unfortunately, there are men who have done a lot of hurting things to women and these women have not learned how to forgive and forget; therefore, women have become angry, resentful, distrustful, and spiteful.  They want to punish all men for the bad men that stumped all over their heart.  This anger is very understandable but it is also unfair to punish someone for the sins of another; so, this kind of woman needs to stay alone until she can work out her feelings.  In the meantime, stay far far away from her because she will never see you for the good guy that you are until her heart allows her eyes to see clearly.

This woman is the absolute worst because she puts everything before her children.  This is the woman who introduces her children to so many different men that her children’s “uncle” list is in the high double digits.  This is the woman who looks like a million bucks but her children look like rotten tooth dirt balls.  This is the woman who will let the jail bird next door watch her kids so she can go to the club.  This is the woman who dumps her children on her parents so she can live how she pleases.  She will sell her children for crack or tell her sixteen year old daughter to get pregnant so she can get government assistance.  This woman will have her smart child put in special education so she can get a check.  This is the woman who puts men before her children.  She will take his word over theirs in a heartbeat.  This woman is not wife material or decent human material.

Selfishness is a draining disorder that wears down everyone in close proximity.  No one matters but this person.  She wants this, she needs that, but your wants and needs are always invalid.  Courting this woman is like running up a slippery slope.  You will ultimately be unhappy and you will never make her happy.

There is nothing grosser than a woman who has bad hygiene and doesn’t keep her body clean.  Bad breath and less than fresh body odor is a turn off for any man.  No one wants to see teeth covered in grits or see used feminine hygiene products.  This will probably not get better but worse.  If a grown person hasn’t learned how to wash properly by now, it probably won’t ever happen.

There is a huge difference between being a bit messy and just plain nasty.  If a woman has trash stains her kitchen wall, roaches crawling across your face as you sleep, dishes in the sink growing fur, dirty panties on the bathroom floor, animal feces on the carpet, and a smell in her house that makes your stomach queasy, you may want to back away slowly.

Cuss words are not uncommon but a woman with a vulgar mouth is just plain grimy.  It shows that she is uncouth and do not know how to express herself intelligently.  A foul mouth will cause you embarrassment at times and you will be afraid to introduce her to others because you have no idea what may come out of her mouth.

Everyone should have goals in life.  Even if the goals are small ones.  A person with no goals is a person existing to fill empty space.  They are living an unfulfilled life.  They will probably live vicariously through you and expect you to accomplish everything on your own.  Your need for partnership will be inadequate.

Beauty will get you in the door but you need something more to keep you in the house.  Who doesn't want a woman they can talk to, confide in, who can understand little jokes or pick up on subtle things without someone having to be blunt?  Common sense needs to be common in a companion.  It is not required to have a slew of degrees or know the equation to the universe but having the IQ of a rock isn’t sexy on anyone. 

When a person is too needy, they become an emotional vampire.  You are the sole provider of all their happiness.  They can’t function without you being near.  They can’t make decisions without you, think without you, laugh without you, cry without you.  This person will make you old before your time and drain the very life from your soul.

Sex should not be used as a tool to get things.  Withholding and punishing with sex damages intimacy and will ultimately doom the relationship.  When a woman manipulates with sex, she withholds for material items, when she’s angry, when she wants you to do something, when she wants to control you.  This is a terrible practice.  It breeds resentment and takes the joy out of lovemaking.  It also fosters the false belief that sex is just for men and women don’t really enjoy it.

When a woman doesn’t love herself, it is impossible for her to love you.  She will be in a perpetual web of disfuction that is self sabotaging and will always force you to try to save her.  This woman hates herself.  You can see it in the way she talks, dresses, and acts.  She is always trying to find a way to be everything she isn’t naturally.  She is lost and will allow herself to be used and abused often.  A matter of fact, she is attracted to the abuse.  Run!

Last but not least, when a woman does not have morals, she will do anything.  Her moral compass is smashed to bits and everything is game.  She will cheat with your friends.  She dates married men.  She’ll invite anyone into her bed who wants to come and she isn’t opposed to group action.  She will do anything for money.  She’s a true hustler.  She feels that it is a dog eat dog world and she is vicious because she refuses to be eaten.  Little does she know she is a combination of all fourteen qualities afore mentioned.  This woman is burned and angry.  She wants to behave like she thinks men behave.  She desires to be hard and merciless.  Usually she is always unhappy and will end up alone because you can’t deal with her on any level.


  1. Great stuff, Violette! I think you hit the nail on the head with these types of women. Good stuff to think about!

    I sometimes find there are other kinds of women, too, such as Insanely Emotional Woman (kind of like the second kind, only emotional) and Overly Religious Woman. The former is clingy and will act very very insecurely when it comes to guys, while the latter will be devout yet wind up "Jesus Juking" people and come off as self-righteous (much different than a genuinely spiritual woman). But so yeah, keep up the great work! =)

  2. Great read - please go deeper into 12. NEEDY department, a topic is a man wantin that feeling of "AM I NEEDED IN THIS WOMANS LIFE?" Financially helping is understood but the other stuff. ha ha I liked this great stuff!

  3. Man, Violette, you nailed it! A relationship is a team effort.

  4. YES!!! Finally someone who gets it

  5. I nearly busted a gut on some of these. My favorites...Manipulates with Sex (that's just insanity in my book. Like why would you want to purposely give up sex?) and Bad Mothers. :)

  6. Very well written and insightful!

  7. Wow, that's a comprehensive list!! Good Job Peaches!

  8. Haa! but what about men- its the year 2012- i think tables are turned now- look at the men, the men r running around like sluts- they r worse than dogs. No words for what they r these days- havent you read the newspapers or watched tv- its sickening how these men are lieing to these woman and they having like 9- 12 woman on the side- nope- its a womans world now sweetheart. I say the woman could do whatever just like the men. Screw that- an eye for an eye. Baby..

  9. Ok I was pointed out in this one and truth be told I have met all of those...
