Saturday, January 26, 2013

15 Ways to Spot a Man Who Isn't Husband Material

Last time I wrote about the kind of women men should not marry in an effort to show that there are lots of good men left in the world and that bad women don’t deserve to have them.  Now it’s time to school the women on the types of men to stay the heck away from!  There are many women looking for a good man who they can one day marry. The purpose of this blog is to help nice girls find nice guys by detailing the kind of men to stay away from.  I’m going to reveal some unsavory qualities that some men possess.  So let’s begin 15 ways to spot a man who isn’t husband material.

This guy only thinks of himself.  He talks about himself and is never interested in you or anyone else in the world.  He does absolutely nothing that does not benefit him.  Everything about him is self serving.  All conversations somehow come back to him.  You are practically invisible to this man unless he needs something from you.  He only wants to please himself.  He doesn’t understand anything unless he feels it.  Stay far far away from him.  Heartache and pain follows him everywhere he goes.

This guy is usually over 30 and lives in a room full of high school/college memorabilia.  He is happy living with mom and dad has no intentions of ever moving out.  As he stares up at his ceiling full of glow in the dark stickers, he smiles because he thinks he has the good life.  He pays no or very little rent, is a perpetual kid, a nice guy but a true mama’s boy.  This man is looking for a mother and not a wife.  You will probably never live up to his mother so why try.

This dude is allergic to jobs.  He always has an excuse about why he can’t work.  “The man” is holding him down.  His boss is tripping.  He can’t find a job. He’s always in conflict with someone.  He’s trying to get their rap career going. His foot hurts etc… and on and on it goes.  He has more excuses than a jailbird but he will never find an excuse to get a job.  Gigolo…gig…gig…golo is what he is and his greatest aspiration is to live off of you!

This guy lives and breathes pornography.  He thinks that spitting on “it” is sexy and he needs a movie to show him all his moves.  Objectifying women is his specialty and everything female is simplified into a sex object.  Intimacy is as foreign as France.  Reality and fantasy is a blur and he thinks sex clubs or strip clubs are appropriate places to take women on dates. Beware of that he may become too sexually out there and he may ask you to do things you are totally uncomfortable with.  He is always looking for something new to do.  Regular sex is too safe for him so there is always a new perversion around the corner.  It’s only a matter a time before he gets too weird or may even realize he’s just gay!

This guy is dangerous.  He will beat the brakes off of you and three seconds later try to give you a kiss.  Aggression and possession is his main characteristic.  Believe him when he tells you he’ll kill you.  Run away and stay away.

This guy gets nervous when you are talking to your brother.  He doesn’t like anyone to have your attention but him.  He thinks you are sleeping with everyone and he accuses you of everything under the sun.  If you buy a new dress, it has to be for another man.  He can’t stand your friends and if he could fit you in his pocket he would.  He’s always checking your phone, email, panties, etc… Usually this guy is Mr. Choke-a-chick or a cheater.  Either way, tell him to kick rocks!

Nothing is worse than a funky foot, yellow teeth, musty man.  Enough said.  Tell Pepe Le Pew to go fumigate himself and stop violating your nostrils!

This guy is only interested in how you look, where you work, what you drive, how much money you have, and how influential your family is.  He cares more about what people think than what you think.  Everything is about image.  Materialistic and superficial, this guy has no regard for true depth or individuality.  If you desire sincere human interaction, this man is not the one for you.

Unless this is something you are into, NO SANE WOMAN WANTS A MAN WHO SLEEPS WITH MEN!  Must I say more? No. Let’s move on.

Everyone should have goals in life.  Even if the goals are small ones.  A person with no goals is a person existing to fill empty space.  They are living an unfulfilled life.  They will probably live vicariously through you and expect you to accomplish everything on your own.  Your need for partnership will be inadequate.

Intelligence is the sexiest thing about a man.  It shows that he is powerful and has potential to soar to new heights.  Knowledge is impressive and it gives a woman a sense of pride to know that her man is ahead of the game.  Intelligence isn’t just book smarts.  Street smarts are important too.  Every woman wants to be secure in her man’s decision making abilities.  A dumb man is like a turkey wearing a thong.  It just aint right!

Pride is cool but when a man’s pride is so strong that it leads him to make dumb decisions or do downright stupid things just because he can’t admit he is wrong, this makes him a stupid individual.  If a man will never compromise or his stubbornness causes everyone one around him hardship or he will sacrifice everything sacred to him  just so he can get the last word, it is better to leave him alone because no one is going to deal with his foolishness but himself.

This man does not feel like a man unless he has more than one woman.  He has a wandering eye and a penis to match.  He thinks fidelity is just a bank.  Women are objects to be collected and traded like baseball cards.  Relationships have no value.  He’s always sorry.  He’s always getting his clothes burned, windows broken, and house broken into.  He loves drama and can’t live without it.  Stay away from him if you do not wish to be another concubine in his harem.

When a man doesn’t love himself, it is impossible for him to love you.  He will be in a perpetual web of dysfunction that is self sabotaging and will always force you to try to save him.  This man hates himself.  You can see it in the way he talks, behaves, through his failures, and his treatment of you.  He is always trying to find a way to be everything he isn’t.  He is lost and will allow himself to be used and abused and will often use and abuse you.  Run!

Last but not least, when a man does not have morals, he will do anything.  His moral compass is smashed to bits and everything is game.  He will cheat with your friends.  He’ll invite anyone into his bed.  He will do anything for money.  He’s a true hustler.  He feels that it is a dog eat dog world and he is vicious.  He is a combination of all fourteen qualities a fore mentioned.  This man is angry with the world wants everyone to suffer.  He is always unhappy and will end up alone because you can’t deal with him on any level.  Tell this devil to get back!