Tuesday, January 15, 2013

To women from a woman

I am a feminist. A true feminist in the strongest sense of the word. I know my strength is in my woman power and there is no need to adopt masculine attributes in order to show that I am strong. I am not a lesbian. I believe that woman was made for man and man was made for woman. I am a feminist because I am a woman and every woman should revel in her femininity.  

My mind and tongue is as sharp as a double edged sword. The softness of my skin, the curl of my lips, the curve of my hips, the batting of my eyes verify my feminine wiles. I have a complete understanding of how powerful it is to be a woman. A woman’s love is unbreakable. A woman has the ability to endure excruciating pain and thrive stronger than before. A woman’s intellect and maturity is profound. It is developed higher and quicker than our male counterpart. A woman’s sexual prowess is a source of fear and admiration. 

 Everything man does, he does to attain a woman. He wants to make money to get a woman. He dresses nice to get a woman. He seeks power to get a woman. He measures his masculinity by his ability to get a woman. Man lives and breathes for woman. Woman is the womb of creation, bearer of life, carrier of civilizations, the essence of beauty, love personified, intelligence amplified, poetry realized, and perfection finalized. 

 So…..why are we satisfied with being bitches, hoes, ding bats, sex objects, self esteem deprived heaps of pitiful flesh? Why do we chase men who don’t want us and love men who degrade us? Why do we objectify ourselves by valuing nothing but our ability to lie on our backs and be the receptacle to penises attached to men who can’t remember our names? Why don’t we love our unique beauty and individuality and seek to purchase body parts to mimic what we see on TV? Why can’t we love ourselves to know we are worthy of fidelity and respect? Why do we turn to other women for love because of anger towards ungodly men? Why do we abort babies we desire to keep? Why do we dumb ourselves down pretending that intelligent isn't who we are? Why do we let others define who we are? Why do we apologize for being successful? Why do we allow our beauty to be critiqued by those who can’t truly see us? Why o’ bearer of life, crescendo of creation, can’t we just can’t be happy being woman? 

 I know that life is not easy and there are so many different stories and traumatic experiences that have affected our worldview but hold on to the good in you. Grab hold on to what is positive and run with it leaving negative things in the past where it will fade and die. Remember that we are not stereotypes and generalizations but a plethora of spirits that hold individual experiences and stories of our own. Don’t let not let the world steal our joy and change who we are for the worse but let us strive to be better, stronger, more confident and refined. Let us be the women God envisioned when we were created. Take pride in being woman.

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