People always ask me, “How do you write a book?” My answer is plain and simple. I just write!
There is no special formula that I use.
I don’t use story boards or outlines.
I don’t read writing manuals or attend seminars. I don’t go to writer’s workshops or subscribe
to magazines. I try not to read books in
my genre so that I won’t absorb any other writer’s ideas. I simply get a story in my head and write it
First, I make sure my surroundings are moderately quiet;
the children are in bed and the hubby is doing his own thing. Usually this occurs in the wee hours of the
night since my children inherited my excessive need for attention. After I am completely comfortable and have no
one around to distract me, I sit at my computer and start typing. Although I flow better using pen and paper, I
promised myself that I would make my life easier and just type straight into
the computer.
I place my fingers
upon my keyboard and allow the story to unfold before me. I usually have no idea what I’m going to
type. I just allow my fingers to dance. It is a surreal experience. Sometimes I am in awe of what is transpiring
on my computer screen. It is as if an
external force is propelling my fingers and I am only reading what is being
I simply write. I
let my imagination soar. I allow the
story to go where it pleases.
If you want to write a book, just write. After your book is written, then the true
work begins: editing, publishing, marketing, etc… Until then, just write!
I love this, this is so me!! I am a new writer and I just write. I feel that I have a story to tell so I write. Thank you for the tips, I am thankful for this post. God Bless.