Wednesday, October 22, 2014

How to Turn A Woman on and Keep Her Turned on Forever

1.       Be a man of your word.  Nothing is sexier than a man who does what he says that he is going to do.  Your word is bond.  It gives a sense of security.  Your word builds trust.  When a woman can trust you, she will open herself to you in every way.

2.       Be faithful.  When a woman knows that the relationship she shares with her spouse is sacred, there is nothing that she will withhold from him.  Her heart is free from worry, and she knows it is safe to share her body with you.

3.       Make love to her mind.  Let your words be honey sweet, intellectual, powerful, spiritual, motivational, invigorating, and prophetic.  A woman should see her man as a source of knowledge and power.  She needs to feel proud of his intellectual prowess, and he should make her feel proud of hers.

4.       Compliment her.  When I say compliment, I don’t mean generic compliments like "you look cute" or "baby you fine".  Be specific and be honest.  Tell her how great she is at her job or with the children.  Tell her how you love the way her dress hugs her hips and makes her waist look so tiny.  Tell her that she is the smartest woman you know.  Tell her that she has the sexiest smile on earth.  Tell her things that are unique to her.

Don’t tell her things that are obviously untrue.  If she has a limp, don’t tell her she walks sexy or if she has the voice of a crow, don’t tell her she sings like an angel. 

When you are specific and honest, the compliment means more.  It shows that you pay attention to her, and that you take notice of her.

5.       Foreplay.  Take time and warm her up.  Don’t just go for the prize.  Relish every part of her.  Engage in touching, kissing, hugging, and talking.  Sex is easy.  Intimacy is what most women crave.

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