Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Why Trump Can’t be Trumped (at the moment...)!

It amazes people how a loud mouth, racist, sexist, ridiculously obnoxious, wild haired animal like Donald Trump can be the front runner for the Republican Party for the 2016 presidential race.  It is horrifying to think of Trump as the president.  It ignites internal fears that a new demagogue can come into power and usher in a new dark age.  The faces of Stalin, Idi Amin, Ho Chi Minh, and other vicious leaders come to mind with thoughts of Donald Trump as president.  With his threats to shoot Muslims with bullets dipped in pigs blood to him saying Hispanics are thieves and rapists; to his past racial profiling within his housing units to his blatant disrespect of women; to his desire to build a wall to keep out Mexicans to his refusal to denounce the KKK to him saying that he can murder someone in the middle of the street and still have supporters.   It is frightening to know that his momentum is only growing.  The crowds are enamored by his fearless banter, his degrading but hilarious jokes, and his effortless dismantling of his opponents.

Sadly, I understand his appeal and I blame the age of political correctness for his rise.  For the last decade or so, American media has been bullying the public into being a part of the status quo.  Any form of free thought has been shamed if it does not match what the media is promoting at the moment.  Free speech has become a joke!  If anyone says what they really feel, they will surely be ridiculed for it, fired from their job for it, or treated like a leper.  The media engine is the prime culprit for trapping the masses in an angry silence.  People are forced to go along with the crowd in fear of being labeled a trouble maker, a hatemonger, a homophobe, a racist, a sexist, a communist, a fascist, a child abuser, a religious zealot, and an anti-American!  The bearded red neck from Duck Dynasty said that homosexuality is a sin and he was labeled homophobic!  Beyonce made a song saying that she loves being black and now she’s a racist.  A dad on the news tried to spank his bad behind child and he’s now accused of being a child abuser although the child wasn’t hit at all!  President Obama has been called a communist, a socialist, a fascist, a Muslim (as if that’s a dirty word) and everything else under the sun because he wants economic and social equality.  Black Lives Matter gets bad press for bringing awareness to police violence against black men.  People are constantly saying why not all lives matter as if all lives are unjustly profiled like black lives. Get your life!  All of these examples are products of the media twisting and turning things to shape the minds of the masses. The very thing that is supposed to unbiasedly promote free speech has been the very thing that has taken it away.

So here comes Donald trump, a shameless, unapologetic, loud mouth fool who says whatever comes into his head.  He is a brilliant and slightly likable business man who understands marketing and how to get ratings.  He isn’t afraid to say what the most crudely unintelligent think.  Trump isn’t afraid to prey upon our prejudices, our fears, and our perpetual disappointment with the government.  People love him because he says what he wants without giving half a damn about what others think!  He is truly free with his speech and the American public looks upon him in awe like a verbal messiah here to save the world from political correctness.  Haters and lovers of Trump linger on his every word.  Watching him is better than watching Love and Hip Hop or The Real Housewives.  It's amazing what he allows to flow from his “o” shaped mouth.  But, like all reality TV, hopefully we will quickly become bored of his brazen foolery and get back to true reality.  Although he is entertaining, we must understand that his words are dangerous, hurtful, and damaging.  He’s stirring up hate, biases, and political unrest.  Our system has been at its lowest and we are striving to get it to the highest.  Electing Trump could reverse all the progress that has been made.  It’s time to pull the curtain on him and really try to make America better.  At this point, I won't argue about Bernie or Hilary, I just know it can't be Trump or anyone in the Republican party for that matter!  Please vote!  Our lives may depend on it.

Love hard and live free!

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  1. So...Its safe to say...You won't be voting for Donald talk to a few Republicans and I say."What would RONALD REAGAN think about Trump ? And they just drop their heads and laugh... SMH

  2. u hit the nail on the head....the only thing worse than a an arrogant unapologetic racist with money and power but a lot of people criticizing and not voting which is dangerous
    they should make it more accessible to vote electronically. ;)

  3. Great blog, spot on and I for one am a little nervous Donald Trump has gotten this far.

  4. Great blog, spot on and I for one am a little nervous Donald Trump has gotten this far.

  5. You are right and well said voting is the only thing that can stop him and coming together and being united

  6. You are right and well said voting is the only thing that can stop him and coming together and being united
