Monday, July 18, 2016

Questions for America

Our world seems to be crumbling around us.  Murder! Murder! Murder everywhere! Reading the news is worse than horror fiction.  It’s over half a century since the Civil Rights Movement and people are still hung up on how much melanin a person possesses.  Science has proven that all humans are the same and that the notion of race is fiction, so what’s the problem America?!?  Why do we keep being caught up in the same vicious cycle?  Do we enjoy being stuck on stupid?

When will the violence end?  When will America try to fix the hate that festers beneath its surface?  When will we acknowledge that racial injustice is just as strong and as vicious as ever; that economic disparities are grossly disproportionate; that prisons are modern day slave quarters; that the penal system is unjust; that systematic oppression is a malign cycle that destroys lives before they are born; that negative stereotypes hurt us all?  When will people of color stop complaining and begging for basic human liberties and take action by tightening our purse strings, building up the community, and lobbying for political power?  When will we all realize that the only color that truly matters in America is green, and that most of the green is in the pockets of 10% of the population?

My heart mourns for the sickening amount of black and brown lives that were mowed down in the streets by the guns of malicious bullies who shamefully call themselves police officers.  My heart weeps for innocent police officers, who risk their lives every day to protect and serve us all, whose lives were cut short by the demented whims of madmen.  My heart shatters for the continued race baiting, perverse reporting, and insane stereotyping of the media that fans the fire of American insecurities.  My heart bleeds for those who are so hopeless that they think that their poverty will never change, their political power is none existent, their oppression is perpetual, and their fate is sealed.  When will we see that we are all tied to one another?

Why can’t America get over itself?  When will we value lives over money?  When will we stop clinging to ridiculous false ideals of white superiority and black inferiority?  When will our schools reflect a true history of all the people who built this country instead of the fallacious history whites?  When will we force out politicians who do not care for the people of this country, but their own personal and financial agendas?  When will the media stop perpetuating false paradigms and take responsibility for mass brainwashing that aids in the destruction of this nation?  When will we stop judging people by their religious beliefs, gender, sexuality, or culture?  When will we stop making enemies of people who have different opinions, thoughts, and preferences?  When will we realize that all of us are suffering; all of us are struggling, all of us are fighting to live good lives?  Why can’t we judge each other by character and action instead of stereotypes and hearsay?  When will we realize that for every action there is a reaction?  When will we learn that extremism is dangerous in any form?  When will we understand that any philosophy or belief system that teaches hate, division, race superiority, sexism, oppression, genocide, or mandatory homogeneous thought is perverse?  When will we stop verbally repeating the essence of hypocrisy called the American Dream and make it a reality? When will we make a valiant attempt to band together and make this country a better place for our children?  When?  When? When?

Can we (America) begin to try today?  Can we (America) promise do our parts to value and uplift each other, support and advocate for each other, stamp out injustice in any form, work to sympathize and empathize with each other, and treat each other how we want to be treated?  Can we (America) promise to self-reflect so that we can make sure that we are not a part of the problem, but a part of the solution?  Can we (America) work towards mutual understanding and respect?  Will we ever truly be one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all?  Will we try? 

God help us!  We need You more than ever.

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